More About HFA
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
When emotional despair “hits” in an instant, life as you know it ends temporarily! Whether it’s the death of a loved one, job loss, or in my case, Breast Cancer. October 19, 2008 a mammogram result of “abnormal” entered my home and from that day forward my days felt like an uncontrollable cloud had come over me. Thereafter, additional testing, continuing with biopsies, surgical lumpectomy, through to the final surgery of a double mastectomy on January 7, 2009.
I am extremely fortunate to have gone on this Breast Cancer Journey while living in Florham Park. I say this because I’m amongst many angels who deserve “Golden Halos!” As the emotional rollercoaster ride was shared with my supportive family, Florham Park friends and families I had not known came together in support of our family tragedy. Daily meals for an entire month were brought to our home. Not only did this blessing eliminate the chore of planning dinners, shopping and cooking, it also helped financially. One may consider this a small task; to the contrary, it was actually a “huge” one – a gift from the heart and soul and deeply appreciated. Kind people who just wanted to help out all came together signing up different days to deliver dinner to us. Having a family of seven this generous gift was huge undertaking. Besides the delicious meals enjoyed, the friendly delivery visits helped take our mind off our worries and were very uplifting. These compassionate and kind people all deserve “halos”.
- Karen Casolaro, Founder/President
How You Can Get involved!
There are many ways to get involved with Halos For Angels.
1. Donate through Paypal @halosforangels or Venmo @halosforangels . We also Accept checks!
2. Participate in our many fundraisers.
3. Donate services, or items for people in need.
4. List your products on our store.
5. Volunteer your time. We are always looking for volunteers to run events. Fill out this form and email it to us at halosforangels@gmail.com
6. Contact us! We are open to new ideas and fun ways to raise money and connect our community!
7. Reach out to us when a recipient is in need of our support.